Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Article Review/Reflection #3

Experts Respond to Radisson’s Breach and How Hotels Can Bounce Back
Christina Volpe, Associate Editor

According to recent results, the U.S., France, and Great Britain have been anticipating data security breaches. Many people feel concerned that this could happen due to the use of credit cards or PIN-based cards. Radisson Hotels and Resorts recently suffered from an attack in November of 2008 and May of 2009. The hotel notified guests about the security breach and informed them that although the hotel locations affected were limited, the information that was accessed was important. The information included the guest's name on their credit card or debit card, the card number, and the card's expiration date. This is said to be very bad for a hotel because a data breach changes customer's perceptions and their trust is lost. There was a study performed, however, that asked customers whether they would book with another hotel in the case of a security breach, and only 8 or 9% said they would. That means that the reason the customers would leave a hotel is if the hotel did a poor job of getting the word out. The most important way to make sure that a hotel keeps all of its customers is by listening to their concerns. A hotel must also go one step beyond by potentially offering a customer x or y.

A security breach, in my opinion, is something that is very serious. There could be the loss a lifelong customer. Hotels must go one step beyond just listening to a customer and their concerns. They must prepare heavily for a security breach. I think that hotel employees work very hard to gain the trust of their guests, and they work to create a friendly bond that makes customers return each year. In the case of a security breach, however, there is the chance that that relationship may be broken. In many cases, there are simple issues that hotels must deal with each day. For example, ometimes a customer may slip and fall in a hotel, and then they will complain. A security breach is much different, in that it affects a lot more of its customers and there is not as much they can do to fix the problem.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Article Review/Reflection #2

Speeding up the Drive-Thru
From Hospitality Technology

Drive-thru restaurants are at the heart of Quick Service Restaurant Sales. Speed and accuracy are two components of what makes a drive-thru work efficiently. In more than 200 locations, companies now use AccuView order confirmation boards and Acclaro drive-thru timers from Texas Digital. These technologies are enhancing drive-thru efficiency, which in turn increases drive-thru capacity. This, of course, increases profits.
The Acclaro timer is based on timers which alert the employees if a customer has been waiting too long. There is a green light, yellow light, and red light which all represent a certain amount of waiting time. The order confirmation boards have also been known to increase profits because they reduce glare in the sun and allow for customers to make sure their orders are correct before they reach the window. Another technology advancement is NCR's. Over 500 companies have installed these credit card readers at their drive-thru restaurants. Customers like the security of being able to swipe their own card because it never leaves their hand. All of these technologies have been used to increase company profits and also to create more efficiency.

With the advancement of technology in today's world, companies are having an easier time making more money and making happier customers. Although the card reader and the order confirmation boards, for example, allow the customer to feel more secure, I think that it actually decreases customer/employee interaction. Part of creating great service begins with how the employee interacts with the customer. By making them feel welcome and special, the customer will be more likely to return. I can see how companies want to make drive-thrus quicker, but at the same time, I feel it has become superficial.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Article Review and Reflection

The Affordable Hospitality Group, LLC chose the Microtel Inn and Suites' suite design for it's new location in South Carolina. They decided to choose the best products to use in this location. For the telephone system, they decided to use PhoneSuite, which is a company that designs telecom products especially for the hospitality industry. By choosing to use PhoneSuite, companies can eliminate hours of training because it is so easy to use. Their products have easy-to-use consoles. Not only was the Affordable Hospitality Group able to eliminate hours training their employees, but they have also been able to improve customer service. Since PhoneSuite reduces the time of transactions at the front desk, more time is spent making the guest feel special and welcome.

This article was a great example of how companies can utilize simple products to make customer satisfaction greater. By using PhoneSuite, this hotel line can now make more time for the customer instead of focusing on training their employees. I think that this product is a great way for hotels to move more quickly and to create a more positive environment. By using a touch screen product, the hotel also comes across as well-kept and up-to-date, which makes guests more viable to stay there again. Overall, I agree with the Affordable Hospitality Group's choice of choosing PhoneSuite to represent their company. Since they wanted to create an environment that was cost effective to manage and operate, it was crucial that they picked a telephone system that increased cusotmer satisfaction, while also creating ease and efficiency for the company as well.